Friday, January 6, 2012

Open Exposure

The primary reason I started this blog was to have an outlet.
A place where I could share thoughts, ideas, conflicts, etc without having to worry about offending people.
It's why none on my friends or family know about this blog.
It's why I'm not sending friends to my site,
or writing blogs as if I am keeping far away family updated on my life.

NO ONE who knows me in person knows of this site.
It is my freedom.

Now that being said,
 I haven't done as much sharing as I would like.
 Perhaps it's because the internet can be a scary thing.
 Once it's out there, it's there for everyone or anyone to see. Permanently. 

In fact, I once blogged (via MSN spaces or what have you) circa 8th grade a poem that I wrote.
And thanks to my recent googling myself, I discovered someone, somewhere had added the poem on a writer's website. Though thankfully they gave me the credit I was owed (admirable). But it served as a reminder that you never know when things will pop up on the internet. However, it's also an excellent reminder that we should be careful what leaves our lips (and fingertips) as we are never allowed to take it back, delete it, redo it, or clear it away. We should be careful to speak uplifting words, encouraging words, and show other grace and mercy in each moment of our lives.

So here's a piece. of me. From a night/entire spring that I remember so vividly. 


Be still. just like this stagnant water.
keep that breath bottled up inside your lungs
under lock and key
because I'm afraid I'll steal it from you.

Faint stars are leading me away from you
Let me go. Don't follow me over the bridge.

It's right angle turns will keep you from chasing too fast after me.
Baby, don't trip.

The damp seeps in through my feet
the sound of my own laughter spins
my mind around.

I'll just lay here and melt into the ground.
Please don't speak my name.

You're making it hard to escape,
with your fingers curled up in my hair.

And although I don't love you, I surrender.
Control me. 
just one more time. 

         circa April 2011                       .

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